Suite Life Of Zack And Cody Medieval Quest

Best known as the star of “The Suite Life of Zack and Cody” and its spinoffs, as well as for having appeared in “Big Daddy” and “Friends,” Sprouse gained a new level of notoriety via. The Suite Life of Zack & Cody (2005-2008) is a Disney Channel Kid Com about a couple of twins named Zack and Cody Martin (played by twins Dylan and Cole Sprouse, respectively) who live in The Tipton, a hotel in Boston. Their divorced mom Carey is a singer at the hotel who has a secret admirer in a rather dorky janitor named Arwin.

A/N: Okay, so youshould probably know that Digimon is not actually my most favoriteshow. Strangely enough, the Suite Life series has always been myfavorite, not sure why though. Actually Disney has always been achannel I've always enjoyed and even though it's not the old-timeDisney like it used to be, they still produce really good shows thatactually present great G-PG material especially with some of theissues going on in today's world. Another reason I like it is becausenow I've found out that, the guy who does the searching for the castfor Hannah Montana, the Suite Life and others, listens to and reallylikes Star 93.3 WAKW here in Cincinnati, Ohio which is one of theChristian stations I listen to in Cincinnati. My favorite being 93.7WFCJ in Dayton, Ohio. So he actually does searching at certain pointsin time for kids up to age 18 in our general area, Cincinnati,Northern Kentucky, Southeast Indiana. But he also likes to be fair. Iwish I could have applied once, but alas I was too old when I foundout and I probably wouldn't have been allowed to do it. So guess I'lljust have to wait until I meet him. Haha! Okay, done babbling. Enoughof that. This will be called The Digi-Suite Life On Deck! One otherthing, I've been reading through some of the fics and have noticed alot of them are either AU or the characters have been OOC'd. Just tolet you all know, I use the exact style used in the shows that Iwatch. I don't like OOC very much at all. There are times where Iwill OOC the characters, but only a little bit depending on thesituation and moment. Also I have a problem with Alternate Universebecause people for some reason don't list their stories as AU. Idon't mind AU as long as I know what it is about and it's a goodstoryline. Other than that I hate AU and OOC. Daikari fans in Digimondo that too much.

Ken: Tim does notown Digimon, or the Suite Life Series or the Theme song to Suite Lifeon Deck


'We are nowdocked at the Tipton Dock in Odaiba Japan. We are on a temporary stopso if you need to go out and stretch do so now, we will be leavingtomorrow.' Mr. Moseby announced over the ships P.A. system.

As his voice israng over the ship Zack, Cody, Bailey and London are all on the SkyDeck. Cody is going back and forth between his towel shift andBailey, while London is texting Chelsey and Zack is working his shiftobviously flirting more with the girls coming up. Before theannouncement Woody, Cody, Bailey and London all went over to thecounter to talk. As soon as they got over there is when theannouncement rang over.

'Hey I've alwayswanted to go to Japan,' Bailey said, 'But I don't think I've everheard of Odaiba before. Normally I know these places.'

Before Cody couldreply London cut in, 'What's Oh Die Bah?'

Cody spoke up,'It's Odaiba London, and I know where it is, it is an artificialisland built in Tokyo. It was first built to protect Tokyo fromattack by sea, the primary threat being Commodore Matthew Perry'sBlack Ships. It was finally made a sight to see in 1996. But not manypeople know about the city. I doubt many Americans even know aboutit. Though I have read somewhere that there have been strange thingshappening over there. Linked with some sort of incident inHikarigaoka, or now known as Highton View Terrace, near Mt. Fujiquite a few years ago. It's in Tokyo's Nerima Ward. Some people claimthat it was a monster attack, but that doesn't seem even possible.'Cody concluded, but little did he realize was that things were aboutto change a little.

Zack stopped andgrinned, 'Now that's something I'd love to check out.' He said asMr. Moseby was approaching them.

Suite Life Of Zack And Cody Medieval Quest

'I just hopethere's a lot of food there.' Woody thought aloud.

'Who cares aboutfood when we could possibly find monsters!' Zack said excitedly.

Finally Mr. Mosebygot to them and his voice made them jump, 'Good luck with that. Idoubt you'll have time to find anything anyways so I suggest you quitnow. Besides there's no such things as monsters. And oh, we have somepassengers coming on board and reportedly they're very importantaccording to the Japanese and American governments. So I don't wantyou annoying them or going crazy here.'

'Importantpeople? Who are they?' Zack asked.

'I don't knowyet, but knowing you two you'll probably figure it out. But, pleasedon't cause trouble!'

'Don't worry wewon't' Cody said frowning at his brother.

'Yeah, like I'dbelieve that.' The manager groaned.

'Hey! What's theworst that could happen?' Zack asked a little dumbly causing Mr.Moseby to yell out and scream.

Oh Ay Oh
Oh AyOh
Come Along With Me
Lets Head Out To Sea
What TheseWorlds Have For You And For Me Now
Whichever Way The Digital WindBlows
We Say Hay Ho Lets Go
Oh Ay Oh
This Boat's Rockin'
Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now
Cause We're Livin'The Suite Life
Oh Ay Oh
This digi-Boat's Rockin'
Oh Ay Oh
Rockin' The Whole Digi-World Round
And it's a diiigi-SuiteLife Now
Hay Ho
Oh Ay Oh
Let's Go! Digital!

Tim looked at thesight of the S.S. Tipton in front of him and was still amazed.'Amazing! I've known about the S.S. Tipton, but it's still awesome!I just can't believe we're going on a cruise!'

In the meantimeDavis was in awe of the whole thing, but still was babbling likealways, 'Alright! I'm goin' on a cruise! Look out world here Icome!'

Youtube Suite Life Of Zack And Cody

Yolie groaned,'Won't you ever learn Davis?'

'Well, at leastthat's what we always expect out of Davis.' T.K. replied, 'HoweverYolie is right Davis, you need to calm down man.'

'Whatever T.M.'

Kari defended herbest friend, now boyfriend once again, 'It's T.K.!' She said asthe humor of messing up T.K.'s name was not something she wanted tohear at this time.

The digidestinedwere really wanting a rest from all the digital world conundrums andwere looking forward to relax for a while with their digimon. Besidesthey had been fighting to preserve the balance between the two worldsfor a long time now. First Devimon, then Etemon, Myotismon, The DarkMasters, Apocylamon and then Ken as the digimon emperor, followed byArukenimon and Mummymon, Oikawa and finally MaloMyotismon. And thenthey had just had another battle with a digimon named Signamon, adigimon that Tim had battled the first time they were ever in thedigital world, only at that time he'd fought him as Metaldramon whilethe others were busy fighting Devimon. Then while the original grouphad been on the continent of Server, Gennai had to have Tim go toFile Island to help find and then guard the barrier for a while ofthe Wall of Fire.

It had been decidedby the group after much knowledge about the boat by Tim, that theywould all go on the S.S. Tipton as an unexpected reward by Mr. Tiptonhimself and help from the U.S. and Japanese govt's. The best part wasthat Mr. Tipton told the group that they could come and go wheneverthey wanted to. That was a sure plus. But for now they were, perTim's orders, outside waiting for Tai, Sora and Matt to show up withKen who was still on the other side of the bay. It was first going tobe that he'd spend the night at T.K.'s after a date with Yolie, butplans had changed at the last minute so he couldn't make it. Izzy wasat home packing up the last of his equipment for his computer stuff,Joe was just finishing up his medical examinations before headingout, and Mimi was of course in America. They'd go by New York in afew weeks to pick her up. She was going to come through thedigi-port, but her computer broke down just a week before and Michaelwas out of town on vacation and Willis was at his home in Colorado.So neither computer could be used. Tim had offered to go and pick herup, but Mimi declined and said she'd come later.

Just then Tim'scell phone rang, he looked and saw that it was Sora, 'Hey Sora.What's up?'

'Hey Tim,we're running a little late, so you should go ahead and go on theboat and we'll meet up with you guys later.'

'Alright.'Tim replied, 'Uh, what happened?'

'Wellapparently Wormon was dreaming last night and accidentally used hissticky net. We think he was having a dream and was battling and heattacked. So we've been helping Ken clean that up. So....'

'Okaythanks Sora,' Tim said grinning trying to hold back laughter, 'Iguess... I guess we'll see you later. BYE!' Tim hung up as fast ashe could before bursting out in laughter. 'HAHAHAHA!' This causedeven Davis to stop and look at him.

'Goodness!'Kari said shocked, 'What's gotten into you Tim?'

Bynow Tim had tears in his eyes and his back was starting to hurt, buthe couldn't stop laughing, 'HAHAHAHAHA! Oh my! Hahahaha,Wormon.......haha....Dream......hahaha.....Sticky Net!!!!!OHAHAHAHAHA, OH IT HURTS!'

Yolie,Kari, T.K. and even Davis stopped to think about the three wordsbefore they each came to thesame conclusion. With that, they burst out into laughter as well.They were all laughing, even Tim still was, but they all looked athim signal to get on. They saw it and understood, but still keptlaughing. They kept on as they reached the lobby of the boat whereTim finally managed to restrain himself as well as the others for thetime being. But that didn't stop them from grinning and have a fewchuckles here and there. 'Oh, man.' Tim said as he reached thedesk of the lobby where Mr. Moseby was waiting.

'Yes,may I help you?' Mr. Moseby asked as he saw the group of teens allcome on, this gave him a little bit of concern as he thought back toZack and Cody. 'Yes, Mr. Moseby, we're here per Mr. Tipton. We'rethe group that chose this boat. The D.D.'

'Ahyes, I assume you're either Timothy Reynolds or Tai Kamiya?'

'Timothy.Tai, uh, he's going to be a little late as well as the rest of ourgroup.' He said trying very hard not to laugh as Moseby swiped thecard keys through his computer.

Davisthough had quit laughing and was looking at what looked like a toysword behind Moseby's desk. 'Hey! Isn't that from......MedievalQuest?!?'

Mosebygasped, 'Uh, upduh.....'

'Iremember that game. It's a darkblade....wait a minute,you're.....JANGO DARKBLADE?!?!?'

'Huh?'Tim, Kari, T.K. and Yolie each wondered very confused.

'That'sright,' A voice said coming from behind them, 'And I'm Moltack.'

'NOWAY!' Davis shouted. 'I'm Vee-ortol!

'Vee-Ortol?!?Mr. Moseby!'

'Iheard, I heard!'

Timtook the keys and had one of those, oookay, looks. 'Uh, we're goingto head off and tour the ship.'

Mr.Moseby was hardly paying attention, 'Ah, yes, yes.'

Therest of them headed off to search.


partof SLOD Theme song plays

2hours later at Ken's apartment....

Taisits on the couch and sighs with relief, 'Man, that was tough. I'mglad we're done.'

'Ihear you Tai, hopefully we don't have to do that again.' Mattreplied exhausted.

'I'mreally sorry about that guys,' Ken said apologizing to the group.'Yeah, I'm really sorry,' Wormon added.

Soraentered the room, 'Um, I hate to break it to you guys, but wereally need to get to the S.S. Tipton. The others are waiting forus.'

'Ohyeah,' Tai groaned.

'Yeah,let's go.' Matt responded. 'Next time, the others get to do this,and we get to spend luxury time on a cruise ship.'

Soraand Ken laughed.


Backto the S.S. Tipton.....

WhileZack and Davis are in Zack's room playing Medieval Quest, MissTutweiller is finishing up showing Tim and the other digidestinedaround the ship. 'And last but not least, probably the most popularplace on the ship, maybe too popular for reasons you'll probably findout soon enough, is the sky deck. That over there is the juice bar,there's the pool and it can also be used for special events as well.And that's pretty much it.'

'Thanksa lot Miss Tutweiller, the ship seems really cool.' Timcomplimented.

Suite life of zack and cody medieval quest

T.K.and Kari nodded in agreement, 'Yeah! Really nice.' the brunetteadded.

'Nice?It's the best! You know why? Cause my daddy bought it!' Londonshouted out coming from behind them.

Timturned around, 'Ah! So you're London.'

'That'sriight!' London sing-songed.

'You'reLondon Tipton?!?' Yolie asked in shock. 'No way! Hi, I'm Yolie.I've watched all your web-shows.

'Oh!Well who hasn't? I mean I am London Tipton.'

'Actually,'Kari began, 'I haven't watched them all. I've seen one and that wasall.'

Londonlooked at her shocked, 'You haven't?!?'

Codycame up with Bailey and Woody, 'London, not everyone has. Hey, I'mCody.' He finished as he shook T.K. and Tim's hands.

'Niceto meet you Cody,' Tim replied.

Yoliegasped, 'You're Cody? The producer for Hey Me?!?'

'Well,I don't like to brag, but, yes, yes I am.'

T.K.was confused now, 'Wait a minute, didn't we see you in the lobbyjust a while ago?'

Codysmiled, 'Actually, that was my twin, Zack. Everyone gets usconfused the first time. Oh, this is my roommate Woody and this is mygirlfriend, Bailey.'

'Oh,hi there. Nice choice on Bailey Cody.' Kari said. 'This is myfriend Yolie and then this is my best friend now boyfriend T.K.'She added.

Baileybowed, 'HI! Konichiwa!'

Thefour of them sweatdropped, 'Uh, Bailey,' Tim said, 'they dospeak English.'

Suite Life Of Zack And Cody Medieval Quest Episode

'Oh!I'm sorry, I guess I get too carried away sometimes. It's just thisis the first time I've actually been to Japan.

Cast Of Zack And Cody Suite Life

'It'sokay,' Kari replied, 'It happens.' Just then a voice came fromher backpack as well as one from Yolie's, T.K.'s and Tim's, 'Can weget out now?' All of the digidestined's eyes got big and nervous.

Codylooked at them curiously, 'What was that?' He asked as his,Bailey's and Woody's eyes focusedon their backpacks as Tim, T.K., Kari and Yolie were trying to figureout explanations and glancing at each other nervously doing theirbest to not let them notice.



Iknow, I hate cliffhangers too, but I liked the one that they did atthe beginning of the SLOD series, but it also gives me time to thinkof more ideas. So be sure to read and review the first ever Digimonand Suite Life crossover, 'The Digi-Suite Life on Deck!'

Just Like Magic: A Suite Life/Waverly Place Crossover

Part 1:

Side notes: If you haven't seen or read about the Season 3 Suite Life of Zack and Cody episode Tiptonline, please do before reading this fanfiction. It'll make a lot more sense this way, since this is a alternate take on the side story of that episode. For reading about the episode, I recommend the central wiki and the Tipton Moved wiki.

For understanding this fanfiction's continuity, there are a few more quick things to note.

The Suite Life of Zack and Cody episode Orchestra isn't included in this continuity. But, in direct relation to this…the story with London for the episode Orchestra replaces the side story for the episode Team Tipton. I have also done my best to keep a good point for Cody in this continuity.

There are some slight to moderate hints at the Season 1 Wizards of Waverley Place episode Alex in the Middle…involving a alternate take of that same episode as well.

There are also some slight hints at other Suite Life of Zack and Cody Season 3 episodes. But, watching the rest of Season 3 is not required to read this fanfiction.

At first glance, it's just a day in the life at the Tipton. But…sometimes… Things are not what they seem.

Mr. Moseby is typing frantically at his desk. In her reddish brown hair, Carey comes by. She says, 'hey, Mr. Moseby.' Mr. Moseby slightly sighs, 'no no. Can't talk right now. No…I didn't mean you. Working on a very important hotel problem.' Carey suddenly realizes, 'o…k. I was just going to say hi.' Mr. Moseby slightly nods, 'I'll take it under advisement: But…no raise. Not you! Sigh. Sorry.'

His black cell phone is on the desk: On speaker and down to a low volume, so as not to disturb the guests. Carey slightly sighs to herself, 'o…k.' Not sure what to think about it…she walks back towards her Suite.

Mr. Moseby mutters strictly, 'now, look here. This hotel can't afford any more hooligans…not to mention the furniture. That's Zack's job.' On his cell phone, the screen name of Codyfan1 is seen: Right next to a picture of a certain face with medium black hair partly over her face, from a certain Toxic Vomit after party. Mr. Moseby sighs defeatedly, 'fine. Have it on the roof…away from all the breakables. Well…good day to you too!' He hangs up, looking quite exasperated.


Carey is walking back towards her Suite, when Zack appears. He's carrying his bright red backpack from school. But…school is the last thing on his mind. He wonders, 'hey, mom: Can I have a advance on my allowance?' Not wanting to put up with much from him right now, Carey slightly sighs, 'honey… You've already got advances until your retirement. And, that's when you're not grounded in a five star hotel.'

Alex is briefly seen from one of the pale white couches, in a open grayish black motorbike jacket over a red and blue swirled butterfly T-shirt. Her hair is slightly curlier. She has her jet black boots up on the coffee table...while she's drawing knights in shining silver on motorbikes in her dark red journal. But, with a slight smile… Alex can't help but overhear Zack and Carey. Alex starts pretending to be reading…while very slightly looking up from her journal.

Suite Life Of Zack And Cody Now

Zack concludes with a shrug, 'ok: Point taken. But… Can I have a advance on my inheritance?' Carey glares back, with her hands on her hips. Grasping at straws here, Zack sighs lowly in exasperation, 'please? It's for something really important!' Carey figures defeatedly, 'ok. What is it?'

Around this time…

Alex's wand starts beeping in her pockets. Alex puts down the journal, left facing down. With a wave of her wand, she whispers, 'Freezus Timeus.' The whole scene is frozen…except for Alex. That is…as long as she doesn't make any sudden movement that could cancel out the spell's effect. With a small tap, she answers, 'hello? Oh… Kelbo. Slight chuckle. How's my favorite uncle? The Wizard Luxury Box? Awesome! I'll be sure to be out of 'frozen time' in a few minutes…okay? Slight chuckle. Okay.' She hangs up her wand.

But, just then… Alex realizes her legs have hit the floor. Time resumes to normality. Alex sighs lowly to herself, 'dang it!' She hurriedly pockets her wand, before someone can notice.

Not long before…

Zack answers his mother, 'a enchanted wizard wand…for this new online video game of pure fun and fantasy called Medieval Magic Quest.' Carey looks at him seriously, 'slight sigh. Fine. If you don't mind less video games in your future.' She reluctantly offers some money. Zack takes it. He slightly chuckles, 'no worries: I won't.'

Alex realizes her wand is beeping again. With her journal still out, she spell whispers from behind it, 'wizus boxus appearus.' And, with a wave of her wand…she vanishes from sight.

Suite Life Of Zack And Cody Episodes

Zack adds, 'thanks, mom: I'd love it.' He pulls out a wizard wand from his backpack, which he already put on another coffee table. It's a wand that's yellow striped, jet black, and with a big foggy crystal ball at the end of it. Carey looks incredulously at him, 'after all that…you already bought it?!' Zack figures, 'well, yeah. I didn't want to wait for it I used my own money. Now I can pay myself back.'

Play Suite Life Zack Cody

He smiles with glee that only he can understand, as he makes his way up to Suite 2330. Carey sighs exasperatedly, 'got a virtual headache.' She feels her forehead, 'no…no… It's…real. Wasn't there someone here a second ago?' Still fairly exasperated himself, Mr. Moseby figures, 'I know the feeling, Carey. Moderate sigh. I know the feeling.'