
Garderobe - English translation of garderobe from Dutch from the dutch-English Dictionary - Cambridge Dictionary.

  1. Garderobe Etymology
  2. Garderobe Meaning
  3. Castle Latrine
  • Garderobe f (genitive Garderobe, plural Garderoben) coatrack, hallstand (piece of furniture on which clothes may be hung) cloakroom (room in a public building where clothes may be stored) dressing room (room in a theatre where actors change costume).
  • The Wardrobe is a supporting character in Disney 's 1991 animated feature film, Beauty and the Beast. She is a lady-in-waiting of the castle and was cursed by the Enchantress along with the other servants, becoming a sentient wardrobe.
  • GARDEROBE Meaning: 'wardrobe,' early 14c., from Old French garderobe 'wardrobe; alcove; dressing-room' (Old North French See definitions of garderobe.
  • Garderobe translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Garderobier',Garderobiere',Garderobenfrau',Garderobenmann', examples, definition, conjugation.

Garde Robe members are more than welcome to utilize more than one service offering. Please don’t feel limited. Garde Robe customizes its services to suit your particular needs.

One-year memberships start at $350 per month, plus tax where applicable, and include a complimentary in-home closet/wardrobe consultation as well as:

• One “clothing rack,” capable of holding up to 50 garments


Additional items beyond the initial 50 are billed $7 per item, per month. Long hanging gowns and extra-bulky items stored on hangers are billed as two items. Gowns/wedding dresses that require their own archival box are billed $40 per month. Two or three-piece suits count as one item. Separates cannot be combined for billing purposes.

With each “rack”, Garde Robe will provide one complimentary accessories box (15″x19″x7″) for up to 10 accessories such as handbags, belts, shawls, ties, toiletry kits, etc.; plus footwear boxes for 10 pairs of shoes or five pairs of boots. Members with 100 articles of clothing are entitled to store up to 20 accessories and pairs of shoes at no charge.

Accessories in excess of complimentary allotment will be billed according to cubic space @ $28 per box, per month.

Footwear items in excess of the complimentary allotment are billed $7.50 per pair, per month. Boots are billed as two pairs of shoes.

Fur items and items with fur trim are kept in cold storage at an additional cost of $85 per year.

All new items placed in Garde Robe’s care incur a one-time processing fee of $6.00 per item.

Preferential pricing will be extended to members with extreme volume as well as those seeking long-term storage for two years or longer.

Garde Robe hand delivers your garments in New York and Southern California, and provides worldwide delivery via courier. Delivery schedules and policies vary. Please inquire for more information.

One-year memberships start at $350 per month, plus tax where applicable, and include a complimentary in-home closet/wardrobe consultation as well as:

• One “clothing rack,” capable of holding up to 50 garments

Additional items beyond the initial 50 are billed $7 per item, per month. Long hanging gowns and extra-bulky items stored on hangers are billed as two items. Gowns/wedding dresses that require their own archival box are billed $40 per month. Two or three-piece suits count as one item. Separates cannot be combined for billing purposes.

With each “rack”, Garde Robe will provide one complimentary accessories box (15″x19″x7″) for up to 10 accessories such as handbags, belts, shawls, ties, toiletry kits, etc.; plus footwear boxes for 10 pairs of shoes or five pairs of boots. Members with 100 articles of clothing are entitled to store up to 20 accessories and pairs of shoes at no charge.

Accessories in excess of complimentary allotment will be billed according to cubic space @ $28 per box, per month.

Footwear items in excess of the complimentary allotment are billed $7.50 per pair, per month. Boots are billed as two pairs of shoes.

Fur items and items with fur trim are kept in cold storage at an additional cost of $85 per year.


All new items placed in Garde Robe’s care incur a one-time processing fee of $6.00 per item.

Preferential pricing will be extended to members with extreme volume as well as those seeking long-term storage for two years or longer.

Garde Robe hand delivers your garments in New York and Southern California, and provides worldwide delivery via courier. Delivery schedules and policies vary. Please inquire for more information.

One-year memberships start at $350 per month, plus tax where applicable, and include a complimentary in-home closet/wardrobe consultation as well as:

• One “clothing rack,” capable of holding up to 50 garments

Additional items beyond the initial 50 are billed $7 per item, per month. Long hanging gowns and extra-bulky items stored on hangers are billed as two items. Gowns/wedding dresses that require their own archival box are billed $40 per month. Two or three-piece suits count as one item. Separates cannot be combined for billing purposes.

With each “rack”, Garde Robe will provide one complimentary accessories box (15″x19″x7″) for up to 10 accessories such as handbags, belts, shawls, ties, toiletry kits, etc.; plus footwear boxes for 10 pairs of shoes or five pairs of boots. Members with 100 articles of clothing are entitled to store up to 20 accessories and pairs of shoes at no charge.

Accessories in excess of complimentary allotment will be billed according to cubic space @ $28 per box, per month.

Footwear items in excess of the complimentary allotment are billed $7.50 per pair, per month. Boots are billed as two pairs of shoes.

Fur items and items with fur trim are kept in cold storage at an additional cost of $85 per year.

All new items placed in Garde Robe’s care incur a one-time processing fee of $6.00 per item.

Preferential pricing will be extended to members with extreme volume as well as those seeking long-term storage for two years or longer.

Garde Robe hand delivers your garments in New York and Southern California, and provides worldwide delivery via courier. Delivery schedules and policies vary. Please inquire for more information.

Garde Robe customizes its service and fees to accommodate the needs of design houses. Fees are determined by volume, garment type, length of term, and accessibility needs.

Please contact us for a custom quote.

Garde Robe provides a wardrobe cataloging and photography service for items that will not be stored. This service includes pick-ups as needed, one delivery and Cyber Closet for online and iPad viewing.

A one-time fee of $25 per article of clothing, plus $3 per item annual Cyber Closet access fee. Cyber Closet access fee will be waived for storage service members.

$100 per person, per hour except where noted

• Consulting on the creation of an archival storage space for textiles
• Historical textile research
• Closet organizing – fees vary
• Fashion styling and personal shopping – fees vary
• Luggage packing
• At-home seamstress/tailoring- fees vary
• Expert garment care resourcing – no fee
• Consignment and charitable donation advisory services – no fee
• Out-of-area wardrobe delivery or pick up by Garde Robe representative

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(gärd′rōb′)Garderoben.Archaic1. Garderober
b. The contents of a wardrobe.
3. A latrine built into the exterior wall of a castle or other medieval building.
[Middle English, from Old French : garder, to keep; see guard + robe, robe; see robe.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˈɡɑːdˌrəʊb) n
1. (Furniture) a wardrobe or the contents of a wardrobe
3. a privy
[C14: from French, from garder to keep + robe dress, clothing; see wardrobe]
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Garderobe Etymology

2. a private room, as a bedroom.
[1400–50; late Middle English < Middle French: literally, (it) keeps clothing]
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.

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Garderobe Meaning

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Castle Latrine